svn status // Tells you what has changed
svn add file_or_dir_name // Add files to codebase
svn delete file_or_dir_name // Remove them
svn commit -m "Saving recent changes" // Commit your changes
svn update // Update your local files, from the folder where you run this one down
svn resolve filename –accept working // You guess it: once you manually fix conflicts in a file, this is the way to let svn you have done so
svn revert [myfile] // Get rid of uncommited local changes
svn delete [myfile] // Delete the file from the repo
svn log [filename] // Check file history
svn log -r 34137 -v // See what files were submitted in a given revision
svn diff -r 33721:33635 [filename] // Test file difference between revision. To find out revision numbers, use svn log above
To ignore files:
export SVN_EDITOR=emacs
svn propedit svn:ignore .
You need to be at the directory where this happens