
Solidity: the basics

Online IDE:

Particulars of remix:

  • javascript VM: simulates the network in your browser memory, so you can speed up the development. It doesn’t depend on testing networks being down or slow
  • ganache is another alternative: it runs a network locally, you can just pick a web3 provider in the deploy menu


  • variable initialization defaults
    • strings are empty, ints are zero, booleans are false, so there are no null pointer errors
    • public variables automatically generate a getter function
  • Example of throwing a validation exception
    • require(msg.sender == owner, "You are not the owner");
      • msg is a special object that encapsulates the address that calls the smart contract
      • in this case, we return the specific error, and the whole transaction rolls back
    • transactions are atomic: if an exception happens, they will revert. There is no catch mechanism, so they will cascade thru methods (like Address.send,, etc)
    • difference between assert vs require:
      • require when revert returns reminding gas
      • require is used to validate user’s input
      • require lets you return an error
      • require triggers: function calls that do not return, receive ether without payable type, transfer errors
      • you can also user revert(“your error message here”) instead of require, to throw explicitly
      • assert doesn’t let you customize the error message
      • assert consumes the gas
      • assert validates things that are unexpected, invariants (out of bounds array, division by zero, non initiated value of internal functions type, or assert(false)
  • Mappings are like hash maps, except they don’t have a length, if you need it, it needs to be stored separately
    • their key type can be pretty much any elementary value
    • their value type can be anything
  • Strucs allow you to create your own data type. But they can’t contain other structs internally
  • Arrays can have both: fixed or dynamic size. The length of arrays can actually result in higher gas consumption
  • Enums are available
  • Functions
    • View function: reading from state (“constant” functions)
    • Pure function: Not reading or modifying state
    • Constructor: only called once during deployment, it is either public or external
    • Fallback function: it is called when you send ether to a contract without specifying the function to call (kind of the default)
      • it can only be external
    • Function visibility:
      • public: can be called from outside the contract
      • private: can only be called from within the contract
      • external: can be called from other contracts or externally
      • internal: only from the contract itself, or derived contracts, can’t be invoked by transactions
  • Inheritance, Modifiers, Importing of files:
    • It is similar to currying functions in javascript, where you can composite a modifier function and include it on others, and it will just run automagically.
    • Usually used to do precondition checks, where you need to do the same ones in multiple functions
  • ABI: application binary interface
    • it contains all the functions / arguments / return values, everything needed to interact with an smart contract
    • the more instructions resulting there from the compilation of your programs, the more gas you will have to pay for transactions against that contract
    • Gas also depends on how congested the network is, not only on the number of complex operations stored in the ABI
    • In the network, the more Gas you pay, the faster your transaction gets processed in the queue of waiting transactions
  • Libraries: they are executed in the context of your smart contract. They can’t receive Ether,