Linear learner algorithm: simple supervised data, usually with just one feature, x, y dimensions, regression kind of
The lastest Sagemaker studio does not have tensorflow by default, to install it via the console:
conda install tensorflow
Linear learner algorithm: simple supervised data, usually with just one feature, x, y dimensions, regression kind of
The lastest Sagemaker studio does not have tensorflow by default, to install it via the console:
conda install tensorflow
If your lambda is just returning before expected, check the default Timeout in template.yaml, most likely you will need a bigger number there
sam init
In case you don’t know where to start, that will walk you thru the process and download a sample app for ya
sam build
(pack the latest changes, it will rerun anything new you put in requirements.txt as well
sam local invoke “YourFunctionName” -e events/yourevent.json
run your function locally, with your own event
sam deploy
put it out there
For a API Gate / Lambda combo, there is a bit of a gotch when setting those two services together and following their hello world example.
Instead of the default in their example:
# print(“value2 = ” + event[‘key2’])
I wish it was more evident in their documentation what “event” means, but basically, after you set the above, you need to also set the query params (spell out what they will be) under: Amazon API Gateway / Resources / Method execution
Also, in that section, Integration Request, specify:
“When there are no templates defined (recommended)”
and add a new template for: “application/json”
In the “Generate Template” section, choose: “Method Request Pass through”
Leave the default code in there, and now, when you pass your parameters as:
you will see those values in your python script as: