Useful for situations where you need to hit APIs from websites that are not part of your domain, and you’d like to avoid the cross scripting limitations of JS without using jsonp
go at the top level of the config:
ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
Then setup the URL redirection:
proxyPass /adapter/ http://thefinaldestinationhere/evenwith/subdirectories
proxyPassReverse /adapter/ http://thefinaldestinationhere/evenwith/subdirectories
This is what my config currently looks like
ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot “/your/root/dir/here”
proxyPass /adapter/ http://thefinaldestinationhere/evenwith/subdirectories
proxyPassReverse /adapter/ http://thefinaldestinationhere/evenwith/subdirectories