download the toolbelt kit:
$ wget -O- | sh
$ heroku login
create your app:
$ heroku apps:create [your app name]
or, if you already have an app in Heroku:
$ heroku git:remote -a ticketee-demo
Add the rails_12factor gem, to take care of the standard points a web app should cover. In your gemfile:
gem “rails_12factor”, group: :production
Also, in the same gemfile, to make sure you are using the same Ruby version as in development, add the following line (right under the “source” first line):
source '' ruby "2.2.1"
Also, to specify a better production server (than the redbrick default), add the following line at the bottom of your gemfile:
gem "puma", group: :production
If you are going to use the Puma server in production, in Heroku, you will also need to add a Procfile in your root folder, with the following content:
web: bundle exec puma -t 5:5 -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RACK_ENV:-development}
Then, just rebuild your gemfile.lock by running:
bundle install --without=production
And finally, to push to Heroku, checking your code, and push it:
$ git add . $ git commit -am "setup heroku ruby version and server" $ git push heroku master
Your code is now there, but you will also need to get the database ready and run all the needed migrations:
heroku run rake db:migrate
If you have any seed files for your db, this is also a good time to run it:
heroku run rake db:seed
If anything goes wrong, you can always see what is happening in the logs:
heroku logs