run rails as in prod mode (in your dev env)
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile $ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
change this line inside: config/environments/production.rb
config.serve_static_files = true
run your server as:
SECRET_KEY_BASE=`rake secret` rails s -e production -b
the -b part is only if you are running inside vagrant and port forwarding.
$heroku console # brings the console in the production site if hosted in heroku…. amazingly easy to access prod!
$ rails console –sandbox
This starts the console, and rollback any changes we make to the data once we exit the console
$ rails console test
Loads the test environment in the console (instead of the default development environment)
$ tail -f log/development.log
Tailing the development log
Basic console commands:
>> User.column_names # Describe the model’s attributes (or db column names)
>> # Creates a new user object
>> user = => “Michael Hartl”, :email => “”) => # >> # Save the object specified
>> # access a specific property of the object
>> User.create(:name => “A Nother”, :email => “”) # same as a user.New and a
>> foo.destroy # destroy a created object, but the created object will still in memory (see below)
>> foo => # #Still gave you something even after destroy
>> User.find(1) # Find user with id 1
>> User.find_by_email(“”) # Find user by email (or any other specific attributes)
>> User.first # Find the first user in DB
>> User.all # Returns all usrs
>> = “” #Updating a user’s property, and then do
>> user.update_attributes(:name => “The Dude”, :email => “”) #Update several attr at once, and also performs a at the end, only attributes indicated on the object as attr_accessible can be updated this way
>> user.errors.full_messages # If there were errors when saving the data, they will be contained here
If you want to access some of your helper methods while in the console:
>include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper // Now you can use them
You can also use raw sql statements to interact with your database, by loading an sql console the following way:
rails dbconsole
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