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Month: August 2010
This is the way to test your migrations back and forth. rake db:redo or rake db:migrate redo won’t work. But this one does the trick.
To go back in time to a certain migration version, you can run:
$ rake db:migrate VERSION=0
And, of course, to migrate back one version, you do: db:rollback
Rails: controllers
to create a new controller:
ruby script/generate controller yourcontrollernamehere
Now you just need to add a view file with the HTML under folder:
For rails 3:
$ rails generate controller Pages home contact
This adds the controller pages, and then particular pages “home” and “contact” under that controller
This will also generate the needed routes (and modify the routes file accordingly), the RSpec and views placeholders as well.
For the routers, you can just define a resource for all of them:
resources :yourControllerName
You also need to define the methods inside your new controller. For example, in the “new” method, you could do something like:
def new @yourcontrollername = end
Another example for “create”:
def create @project =[:project]) flash[:notice] = "Project has been created." redirect_to @project end
You will also need to generate your model manually (since you are not scaffolding)
If you want to undo the controller you just created, you can run the following command:
rails destroy controller Pages home contact
Rails 4
The format to generate new controllers is:
rails generate controller ControllerName [actions] [options]
This usually generates an empty file inside /app/controllers/user_controller.rb, you need to fill out the actions to make it useful.
The first line populates the user for edit / delete purposes:
before_action :set_user, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
It goes along with the following method:
private def set_user @user = User.find(params[:id]) end
Here’s an example of how a typical set of action methods look inside the controller:
def new @user = end def create @user = if redirect_to articles_path, notice: 'User successfully added.' else render action: :new end end def edit end def update if @user.update(user_params) redirect_to articles_path, notice: 'Updated user information successfully.' else render action: 'edit' end end
The following code (inside your controller) tells what attributes are safe to save / update (so users can’t compromise the system by sending those manually:
def article_params
params.require(:article).permit(:title, :location, :excerpt, :body, :published_at)
Notice that using the controller generator just puts the empty files in place, it is up to you to fill out the details (as opposed to what the scaffolding does for you, which is generating all the default forms and actions and content for you)
If you are using rails-api, and just serving JSON, here’s an example for the controllers:
def index
all_tasks = ScheduledReportTask.where(site_id: params[:site_id])
render :json => {:status => “ok”, :response_code => 200, :message => “ok”, :results => all_tasks }.to_json
def show
@scheduled_report_task = ScheduledReportTask.find(params[:id])
if @scheduled_report_task.site_id == @global_site_id
render :json => self.prepare_return(@scheduled_report_task)
render :json => self.package_error