CSS sass

Sass: the superduper guide

Installing in Mac:

gem install sass

comments: use /* */ for anything that will appear on the compiled file, and // for things that only show on the sass development files

When compiling, you can specify if you want your file compacted:

sass yourfile.scss ../css/yourfile.css –style compressed

Other styles: nested, compact, expanded

One of the most powerful features, mixings (example):

@mixin blue_text($size) {
color: #336699;
font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: $size;
font-variant: small-caps; }

.product_title {
@include blue_text (15px); }

Example of rounded corners mixin:

@mixin rounded_borders($color, $width: 5px, $rounding: 5px) { -moz-border-radius: $rounding $rounding; -webkit-border-radius: $rounding $rounding; -khtml-border-radius: $rounding $rounding; -o-border-radius: $rounding $rounding;border-radius: $rounding $rounding;
border: $width $color solid; }

For mixings, it is always a good idea to put them on their own import file for maintainability (example):

@import “cross_browser_opacity.scss”; .h1 {@include opacity(60); }

@mixin opacity($opacity) {
filter: alpha(opacity=#{$opacity}); // IE 5-9+ opacity: $opacity * 0.01; }

Interpolation means you can have rule definitions that are dynamic:

.red_#{$carname}   will generate .red_volvo if volvo is $carname

Here is an example of using this:

@mixin car_make($car_make, $car_color) {
// Set the $car_make with “_make” at the end as a class .car.#{$car_make}_make {
color: $car_color;
width: 100px;
.image {
background: url(“images/#{$car_make}/#{$car_color}.png”); }

} }

And, this is the way you iterate in sass:

@each $member in thom, jonny, colin, phil { .#{$member}_picture {

background-image: url(“/image/#{$member}.jpg”); } }

But just wait a minute: you can also use if statements:

@mixin country_color($country) { @if $country == france {

color: blue; }
@else if $country == spain {

color: yellow; }
@else if $country == italy {

color: green; } @else {
color: red; } }


Writting media queries:

.main {
color: #336699; font-size: 15px; @media print { font-size: 10px; } }

This compiles to:

.main {
color: #336699; font-size: 15px; } @media print {
.main {
font-size: 10px; } }

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